Now, who is going to listen to me?

Now, who is going to listen to me? I am happy to listen but I realize how tiring and mentally draining it was when you only do the listening but no one actually listens to you. I do have my doubts, worries, insecurities but who is going to listen now? That what I'm asking myself this morning. It was really nice if you can listen to it and also spills. We always focus on talking and not listening, it will make a huge difference if we start listening and pay attention. It is easier to give an opinion when things are easier for you. I don't judge your struggle, I get that everyone has their own struggle but sometimes please understand that people don't need an opinion unless they ask for it. Listen and be there sometimes is more than enough. Akhirnya, sendiri memujuk hati yang Allah SWT mendengar, Maha Mendengar. Maha Tahu walaupun yang dibisik dalam hati. Tak perlu jerit, Dia tahu. Dia dengar.