May peace be upon you fellas.
Last updated was on October 9.
Now is Dec 26. How fast time flies.
I've been too "busy" to update my blog.
Rindunya nak menulis...
Last October - Dec 2: I'm too busy with my exam. Memang takde masa la nak menghadap blog ni tulis semua benda. Bila tak sempat nak update blog. Maka penuhlah Instagram.
Kesimpulan dari bulan dan hari yang tak diupdate. Alhamdulillah semua berjalan dengan lancar. Mungkin ada sedikit pergelutan. Tapi itu perkara biasa..Pergelutan yang setakat ini belum ada nyawa yang terkorban. Mungkin rasa banyak yang terkorban. Tapi itu kan lumrah.
Selepas exam..masih busy dengan itu ini.. Masih tak duduk diam kat rumah. Masih lagi pelawat tetap sekolah. Mungkin hari ini mungkin esok akan jadi hari terakhir. Siapa tahu. Komitmen lain masih belum ada. huh--Masih mencari kerja untuk 8 bulan akan datang. Mungkin menjadi seorang guru ganti atau apa-apa kerja lain yang masih belum dicari gali mana lubangnya.--

Sementara tu. Sementara tengah banyak masa lapang. I use as much time as I can to be with the people I love and I miss. Last Tuesday, I went to KLCC to watch movie with Aqilah and Atikah. The first thing we did when we saw each other is hugging! Ah. best sangat kalau dapat peluk hari-hari.. Warm hug. yang penuh keikhlasan dan kasih sayang . I always love and miss that kind of hug.
We went to watch Frozen.
Oh I love this movie!
Mula-mula cerita dah sedih.

I love this song.

This too.
Olaf is really cute. Really funny. adorable. kind.warm hearted. Ahh I want to build a snow man!
I love the snowflakes. It's very beautiful. I love the moral of the stories. I love the part when the act of true love in this movie is not love between man and woman but the love between sisters! And the fact is LOVE CAN MELT A FROZEN HEART. No doubt!

After that we went to Galeri Petronas.A gallery for Merdeka Award and Exhibition of Sketches of Science. Best la.. Something different to explore :) They also have this library Pustaka Seni, highly recommended for the people who want to do research :)

Itu sahaja update kali ni yang sempat. Uh kalau sesiapa follow my instagram I always upload my picture doing almost everything. #Art4Grabs Disember. Last week I went to Universal Studio Singapore. Some chaos happened in my life. Some struggle. At the end the only choice I have is to be strong. so-adiosa.


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