Geologi dan Manusia

Today it was my first class for "Geologi dan Manusia". Kelas kat Bangunan Sains Kimia kot under Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi. Sesat-sesat akak. (Minggu lepas. Hari ni da kelas kedua)
Mula-mula agak keraguan jugala nak ambil. But, I have to. Takde pilihan. So, I thought about how worst it can be right? Why don't we give a shot. Ya it's not bad at all. It reminds me so much about my old "love" when I was at my STPM year ; Geography. There is a story behind it.

Masa dekat STPM, I love geography I mean it. Maybe because the subject itself and because of the teacher. Cikgu Laila. She was one of my favourite teacher, still she is. Cara dia mengajar, setiap yang dia terangkan. Mengalir macam air je masuk dalam otak kalau dia bercakap. Aku akan fokus dan tulis setiap kata kunci dan point yang keluar dari dia. Setiap kali exam atau buat study group, aku akan guna nota cikgu. Sekali dua je aku rujuk buku teks. Alhamdulillah. Untuk subjek geografi STPM, sem 1-3 mesti A. Never less even an A- . Dan disebabkan itu, cikgu nampak potensi untuk aku pergi jauh dalam bidang geografi. Cikgu berharap dan mencadangkan untuk aku ambil Geografi masa degree as my first choice. I did love Geography but it wasn't deep enough as I love psychology.

Jadinya, pilihan pertama masa isi UPU tahun 2014 ialah Ijazah Sarjana Muda Psikologi di UKM . Geografi adalah pilihan keempat untuk pilihan bawah research U. Alhamdulillah. I was offered with psychology course. Sebenarnya sedih juga sebab tak dapat penuhkan harapan cikgu. She still talk about "kalau kau ambik geografi kan senang" because she knew how hard I struggle with psychology. But, yeah I never regret with my choice.

Here the important lesson, we always know what's the best for us, our passion. I can go for easy way, but I choose the more challenging path so I can challenge myself and prove that I  can do better, more than what other people expected. sometimes it can get confusing, but we need to ask ourselves and be sure of what we want. Berhenti hidup di bawah bayang-bayang expectation orang lain. Kalau anda rasa anda mampu dan boleh, go for it. If people tell you otherwise, prove to them that you can do it. Buat lah untuk diri sendiri dan kerana Allah.

tapi, selepas dua kelas geologi dan jumpa balik perkataan luluhawa, geomorfologi, gempa bumi, hidrologi, sedimen. Rasa seronok. It feels like meeting my old love. Cikgu Laila must be happy to hear this. At least la, ada la sikit tambah knowledge kesinambungan apa cikgu da ajar. I'm glad. And I hope I can score for this paper.

If I was not meant to be in psychology, geography would be my choice. Yes.
*kita tengok jauh mana budak psikologi boleh pergi belajar geologi. Dari manusia kepada bumi. hurm 


Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Pointer stpm dpt bpe
Anonymous said…
Kak boleh tanye?.. Susah tak belajar geologi dan manusia?

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