I start to miss people. I start to reminisce old memories. I have too much time to watch movie and K-Drama. I sleep most of the day. That means I need a job. I am desperate for a job. I really really hope that I get a job by September. I am not much of person who likes to stay at home for too long. 2 weeks is more than enough for me. I am now lack of motivation guys. I need money also. I am desperate. I really hope and pray something good for me soon. I will try my best. That's all I have to say. I know that before I need time. To plan and think everything. To ask myself what I really want, how I much personal development I want to achieve. But right now the only things that matter is money. I need to work, so I can buy a car by 2019. So I can be independent without being dependent. I realize now how hard it is for someone with degree in Psychology to work in the same of field in Malaysia just with a degree. So I don't mind much if the job offers me experience and good pai...