Just How?

Just something random across in my mind. I just wonder how people actually decided they are ready to get married? Just how in the world you guys can be so brave to tell your parents that you guys are actually ready to hold the responsible as a wife/husband? Umur macam ni da jadi kebiasaan bila tengok kawan-kawan atau kenalan kahwin, bertunang. They just decided that they want to get married. While I'm still asking myself when I actually ready to be a good wife or even good mother if Allah wills. It is important decision to make in your life. A decision with who you want to spend the rest of your life with. I want to get married. I want to see my loved ones everyday. I can't be more excited if he decided to marry me one day. I can't wait for the moment. But I also have a doubt? Does you guys ever have a doubt like me before you guys decided to get married? Because obviusly marriage is not just about 'halal' sex. It is about more than that. Well anyway I'm not getting married anytime soon. So I hope when the times comes, I have collect all the courage and be ready enough to learn and to live with my plus one. 

By the way, something related,
Once, people ask me what is my stand about the girl who married at age 11. A very young I would said. She just not see the consequences yet. It is all about education. I wouldn't touch about halal or haram or whatever it is. I said if the parent allow it who are you to say otherwise right? But the thing is the consequences, in the future. Maybe the girl can't see it now. She will know in the future. Bila ada orang cakap ala orang tua dulu kahwin bawah 18 bahagia je. Nenek atuk aku pun macam tu okay je. Guys, did you ever asked your grandmother if she ever have a dream? An ambition? My arwah Opah had. Ayah selalu cakap arwah Opah nak jadi cikgu, tapi sebab bapak dia cemburu ke apa (idk orang dulu mana nak bagi anak perempuan belajar ke keluar rumah jauh ke) so dia dikahwinkan dengan arwah Atok. She never get to achieve what she wants guys. Kita ni nampak hanya luaran tak pernah menilai apa sebenarnya di dasar hati orang tu. I just happened to know a couple, the woman about 35+ I think now? Kahwin umur 15tahun, ada 11 orang anak and now after 24 year getting married they are separated.....just because the woman said she never had a freedom. Guys, please know that orang dulu kahwin, mak ayah jodohkan, dengan sedara, dengan orang sekampung. Just like that because takde globalisasi ke media sosial semua. These modern days, you can do what you want. To cheat is easy. To meet new people is easy. Think further. 

Anyway, talking about jodoh, married etc etc, semua di tangan Allah SWT. Allah SWT da tetapkan kadar bagi tiap-tiap sesuatu perkara. Cepat lambat, Siapa dan bila atau di mana. Moga apapun yang kita dapat ianya terbaik buat kita. Pastilah yang terbaik jika Allah SWT tentukan. Tetaplah usaha dengan doa kemudian tawakal bahawa Dia juga sebaik penentu. 


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