Apa perasaan?
Bercampur baur. Gembira, sedih, teruja, takut, bimbang. Seribu satu perasaan yang tak mampu diucap atau dipapar melalui wajah. Overly sensitive also. Luckily I am not crying easily. Try to seize the moment. I want to enjoy myself. Counting the day my status will change. All the responsibility and possibility. Nevertheless, I am so grateful and thankful. I am blessed that the love people show me during this time. I learn to give more. I learn the beautiful of Tawakal. Belajar mengikhlaskan banyak benda terutama masa lalu. Learn how to let go. How to be brave how to be strong. Takkan pernah berhenti berdoa dan megharap. I thought telling my father that I want ti get married is the hardest, well it turn out to be a lot easier than the whole journey.