March Challenge : #6 to #30

I don't know what I really do the whole March. I lost and confused now. Too much things that happened. I skipped the challenge and the consequences is I lost. Yes I am. To the part I become me before I did February challenge : sad and vulnerable. Is not fun at all. Now I'm trying. Trying hard so April would be better. I just need to start again. But I will finish the challenge in one post. Easier. So here we go.

Day 06 until 30 of March Challenge : Get To Know Me

Day 06 Your day
Apparently, today is my pra QTI. It was good, until y turn to take the test. Kat bukit da sangkut, tapi pegawai QTI tak nampak, so, I just go on. Nak tunggu masuk selekoh Z punyalah lama. Clucth Axia panjang, selalu pakai kancil. So test la. Sampai selekoh Z je nak belok kanan tu, sama ada pusing cepat sangat atau lemah kawal clutch, naik atas tebing. And the rest is history. Kecewa berhari-hari. Seorang Asmi Asmidar meletakkan expectation yang terlalu tinggi pada diri sendiri dan definisi gagal itu patut diterima dengan fikirkan ke depan dan tak seharusnya stuck pada satu fasa sahaja. Majulah.

Day 07 Your best friend
I still stick with my best friend since kindergarten. Kawan baik dari sekolah rendah asih berjumpa, berbual seperti tidak pernah ada jurang. Kawan semasa sekolah menengah dan tingkatan 6 juga begitu. I’m glad I have the best kind of best friend you could ask for. Kawan yang sentiasa ada saat kau susah tanpa berkira, as return I will be there for them too if they ask for me. Tak susah pun sebenarnya mengekalkan persahabatan bila da dewasa, kena tolak-ansur dan memahami. Dalam dunia kita takkan dapat semua yang kita mahu tapi kita mampu pertahankan apa yang kita perlu.

Day 08 A moment
A moment when I just look at his face and think about us. Realizing the fact that I love him so much. I just love the moment when I stare at his face and talk to myself “This is the guy that I want to spend the rest of my life with”.

Day 09 Your beliefs
Aku bersaksi bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah SWT dan aku bersaksi bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW itu pesuruh Allah SWT.

Day 10 What you wore today
Because I have presentation today, I wore a very pretty pink Jubah with pink shawl. I really love itu. Since my spare tyre almost gone and invisble. I like it when I feel pretty and confidence with my body.

Day 11 Your siblings
Anak sulung dari 8 orang adik-beradik. What can you think off? Ada 4 orang perempuan dan 4 orang lelaki. The eldest is me, 23 year old and youngest one my brother  10 year old. With gap only 13 years with 8 of us.

Day 12 What’s in your bag
Which bag? I have a lot of bag which I change based on circumstances. But I will always bring my phone and wallet. If I need to travel to Bangi. I will bring a lot of stuff including my make up bag, my small journal, pen or pencil case, telekung, earphones and my KTM, LRT card.

Day 13 this week
I get to watch Adiwiraku movie. I also get .924 reliability test score for my thesis. The next day, I get to go to SMK Gombak Setia to collect my thesis data. It was fun. But the sad news I got is Mastura mom’s passed away. Al-Fatihah to her. On the weekend I got to spend time with Syahirah, she is currently study at Japan. She was staying at my grandma house for two nights. We get to have late night talk and walking around KL. It was a really good week.

Day 14 What you wore today
I can’t remember. Sorry. I skipped this challenge a lot.

Day 15 Your dreams
I rarely have dreams this days because I really tired and having a really good sleep. But if you are talking about dreams in life. I have a lot of dream, obviously, one of it is to be with the person I love. To have a small house and living a simple lifestyle. To have the person I love beside me all the time. To travel around the world and few places that I’m dying to see.  And more.

Day 16 Your first kiss

Day 17 Your favorite memory
I found that choosing a favorite memory is quite hard. It better be specific like when or with who because I cherish every memory. But if I have to choose one maybe when I received my STPM result back then on 2014. That will be one of my favorite memory that I will cherish forever.

Day 18 Your favorite birthday
Maybe when I was 13, I can’t remember any earlier than that. I have quite good birthday when I was 14, not on 15 or 16 or 17 but yes on 18 and 19 because I have my friends with me. That’s it. I hope this year will be one of my favorite.

Day 19 Something you regret
I regret not  taking the chances that I supposed to take to make me better. But it’s okay.

Day 20 This month
Ups and down. Too fast. Drama.

Day 21 another moment
Moment I realized I lost my LRT, KTM and matrix card that worth almost RM200. It is really depressing but I found it. Alhamdulillah.

Day 22 Something that upsets you
Being ignore by the person I love and care about. Not being appreciated after all I’ve done.

Day 23 Something that makes you feel better
Music and good jokes.

Day 24 something that makes you cry
Pretend to be strong but the reality is I can’t stand it anymore.

Day 25 A first
Everything has it first time.

Day 26 Your fears
Losing people I love.

Day 27 Your favorite place
Train station, beach and being on the train.

Day 28 Something that you miss
Fun moment with MSL.

Day 29 Your aspirations
To be happy and love myself.

Day 30 One last moment

Finally, I did this. Hi, April.


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