Let's Rock Your Style with Long Skirt!

Hye guys! Whaddup! May peace be upon you. 

Pernah tak tengok gegadis atau hijabster pakai long skirt dengan smooth, flowy dan sopan sekali? Have you ever think to try at least once to wear skirt? Maybe for formal occasion like dinner, casual wear like going to mall or event or elegant look going to class or a date to impress your boyfriend. We can't denied as a girl or woman we just want to look good. Like Selena Gomez said "look good for you... good for you..uh ah" yeah we are. 

I always love long skirt since before.  Long skirt fashion *click the link to know more*has been rocking since a few years back and woman have pulled together various fashion outfits according to their style. Remember the trend of long skirt? around 2010, ada satu jenis skirt yang colour dia ikut tone like from dark to fair. I have one of that skirt. I also love the old school skirt plain and pattern type. Suprisingly, I still can wear my grandma's and my mom's skirt. The trend of the long skirt never gets old. And now the trend becoming hit again. This long skirt fashion comes with so many pattern and look. long skirt fashion like this mermaid skirt, flowy skirt, satin skirt and many more. I have a few in my closet. I can say that I rarely wear skirt nowadays since it's more practical to wear slack, loose tshirt and sneakers. Ya you know, student. Maybe except for the weekend like for casual event or date.

Enough with that. Are you interested to wear long skirt but never know how to style it?I'm sure you have at least one long skirt in your closet. It one of the many clothing that is must-have for every woman to own is the lovely long skirt.  Scare it will look weird on you? Too short or too chubby and worry it will make you look more shorter and fatter. Of course I have this kind of messy thought when I want to style long skirt. It will always make me stare twice and more in the mirror, and I will end up wearing something difference at the end. *sigh* so let's see a few tips on HOW TO STYLE LONG SKIRT IN STYLE.

For the ladies who have no idea how to style the long skirt in style, check out these three look ideas for women. Scan through the wide range of maxi skirt designs and pick a style which shows off your personality. let's the show begin!

1.    Elegant Charm

Match your long skirts with a nice blouse and step out feeling confident as ever. This look is perfect for ladies of all ages who want a mature appearance while still maintaining their elegant charm. Style this look everywhere you go and impress others with your amazing fashion appearance. Flaunt your elegant appearance to various occasions in style. I love this kind of style. Maybe a black colour long skirt and a cute pink blouse will be perfect match. You can match it with rose flower printed shawl. personally I would love to match it with my cute pair of heels. It will give you this perfect look for class presentation or for dinner date.

2.    Casual Chic

For the ladies who want a casual touch, the long skirts are perfect to be worn with a t-shirt. However, the tip is to wear a simple tee with a pretty patterned skirt for a complete balanced look. You can always perk up the outfit by accessorizing it with statement pieces, sunglasses or bags for chic touch. I always love this kind of look. I might wear my sneakers or high cut. Sure it a perfect look for a movie date or coffee date. I love red colour skirt and white tshirt match it with printed pashmina. or black skirt with red loose tshirt and sneakers or flats. This 'garang' look will always make you stand out and look confident.

Last but not least

3.    Formal Sophisticated

The long skirts are a versatile piece of clothing for any women to add into their closet at home. It can be worn as your formal wear and still appears stylish to wear at the office or even formal events. By simply matching the maxi skirt with a tucked in shirt, it definitely gives you that professional yet lady like appeal.  This is my favourite! This look make you look so sweet and approachable. This tucked in look always make you skinnier and taller. Apparently, I never have the confident to give a shoot on this look. Maybe after sharing this tips I can try at least once! 

So dear beautiful ladies, let's try at least once to style one of these looks. I'm excited to try on all these looks. Maybe for the next date. It will always worth to try. Don't think too much about how you gonna look. Sometimes, the most unplanned mix and match of your apparel is the one that look so good on you. Don't be scare about what others people think of you. It's none of your business and remember at the end of the day the most important thing is not what others think of you but how do you feel about yourself. Be confident. 

p/s: The best accessory you can wear is confident. you go girls! 

this is how I style my long skirt. how bout yours?


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