18 months . STPM . Fellas !

Selamat sejahtera ke atas kamu .Selamat petang . *gambar hari terakhir perkhemahan JPAM 2013 , Pasir Bogak , Pulau Pangkor . 70 daripada 107 pelajar prauniversiti SMK Gombak Setia This is for you guys fellas . Form 6 . Another 18 Months . * di tulis semula dan diubah suai . Original made by Fitriah Mohd Nasir , Menara Setia 2002 kita semua start form 6 . 8 Mei 2011.. kalau kira . sem 1 dah lepas , keputusan pun dah dapat :) Ada lagi 8 bulan tinggal . sebulan lebih untuk final sem 2 . 8 bulan untuk final sem 3 . rasa cepat je semua ni berlalu . 18 Months , what a long time to wait, why I am the one who is left? but my friends are long way ahead. 18 months, another day for school, rules , school uniform six o'clock until 4:30 p.m in the afternoon studying in a place that is full of dreams, for the future, to succeed with flying colours to leave the school with honour. 18 months time passed by everything around this...