18 months . STPM . Fellas !

Selamat sejahtera ke atas kamu .Selamat petang . 
*gambar hari terakhir perkhemahan JPAM 2013 , Pasir Bogak , Pulau Pangkor . 70 daripada 107 pelajar prauniversiti SMK Gombak Setia

This is for you guys fellas .
Form 6 . Another 18 Months . * di tulis semula dan diubah suai . Original made by Fitriah Mohd Nasir , Menara Setia 2002
kita semua start form 6 . 8 Mei 2011.. kalau kira . sem 1 dah lepas , keputusan pun dah dapat :) Ada lagi 8 bulan tinggal . sebulan lebih untuk final sem 2 . 8 bulan untuk final sem 3 . rasa cepat je semua ni berlalu . 

18 Months ,

what a long time to wait,
why I am the one who is left?
but my friends are long way ahead.

18 months,
another day for school,
rules , school uniform 
six o'clock until 4:30 p.m in the afternoon
studying in a place that is full of dreams,
for the future,
to succeed with flying colours
to leave the school with honour.

18 months 
time passed by 
everything around this place
has become part of my life 
learning what's right and what's not 
spending time with friends and foe
and treasure another special moment of my life.

18 months ,
it isn't a long time,
just enough for me to try 
another chance for me to get 
a good result for the second try 
to prove myself
that I can beat the rest 
and be the best of the best . 

form 6 is not just about books and exams .
It's about growing up , mistakes , learning process .
and time flies . 8 months left . 8 months so close yet far-fetched. counting . fighting . for the future .
mr.lok : your one leg already in a university , you have to pull another one leg to get yourself there .
STPM 2013 . struggle . Modular system . 3 semester . first batch . PBS thingy .
benda yang selalu kita tak pernah terfikir kita akan lalui itulah yang selalunya kita dapat .
well Allah SWT know the best ! He is the best Planner . Trust HIM !
demi cita-cita . demi impian . satu . untuk ke menara gading . to make everyone proud with me! especially Ibu Ayah , adik-adik , cikgu , kawan-kawan .
Pray for me . I have another 2 sem to fight for .
 MUET exam in July .
I really want to go to the university .
STPM is my first step to be a philosophy doctor and to study the 'criminal minds' .
pray for me .
My dad asked me to do Nuclear Engineering .
fuhhh . so far dad . so far .
But nothing is impossible for Him .
Just Study Smart , Pray Hard . Work Hard and Turn to Him .
another 2 sem . Pray for me .
Terima Kasih Ibu Ayah , Cikgu , Kawan-kawan , pemberi semangat , pendorong , kekuatan dan Terima Kasih ya Allah .
Mohon diberi kekuatan untuk 8 bulan lagi . 8 bulan .
Ini adalah salah satu kata dinding hikmah sekolah yang aku suka .

'Jika seratus yang berjaya , aku antaranya , Jika sepuluh yang berjaya aku yang pertama , dan jika satu yang berjaya , aku lah orangnya !'

Good Luck Fellas !

p/s : sesiapa rasa nak tahu result sem 1 saya boleh la comment dekat entri ni :DD ngehhh .


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