Life Lesson : Prepare & Hikmah

May peace be upon you.

Aku rasa post ni ada juga sangkut-pautnya dengan post yang lepas. Post on Life Lesson: Plan. Like I said previously I was obsessed with planning but then when I'm planning, I forget the fact that something I don't expect might happen. Like something I never see it coming. That is the moment I know I'm not prepared. Never well prepared. 

Tak pernah bersedia dengan sebarang kemungkinan yang akan datang ni payah juga. Terlalu memikirkankan kemungkinan pun menyakitkan. Akhirnya, kita hanya mampu bersedia dan berlapang dada dengan apa yang datang dan sekali lagi menyedarkan kita tentang kita ni manusia yang lemah yang takde kuasa pun. 

Ia hanya semudah membeli sebuah telefon. Kalau aku nak membeli aku beli je, aku tak fikir pun ke depan ke depan. Well. We girls never good with gadget or cars. Admit that fact. I admit before now I was so noob about technology. Doesn't matter how much I'm good with social media, or blog or html code for template in blog. But I never know about OS, processor, RAM etc until I met MSL. He literally helps me a lot to understand all of the things I mentioned about and the importance. 

Hence, when I bought my current camera, back then on 2012. I never knew I would need the camera so much. That the camera would be so important to me. Back then when I bought the camera, I just bought out of passion and because it was in my wishlist and that the only camera I can afford. But, 5 years already. I guess it just time to buy a new one. It's okay. 

Like my laptop, my dad bought that one for me. The purpose just to help me in my form 6. Alhamdulillah it actually helps me get through my degree also. I always be thankful about this one thing Ayah gave me. I never forget it. It doesn't come with GPU and the processor just Celeron. Bolehla buat kerja berkenaan Microsoft Office. But, I never knew I would use that laptop for Adobe Photoshop. Apapun, the laptop still a lot of use to me. I'm thankful for that.

Also, when I need a new phone back then. I never take the usage, or the lifespan of the phone into consideration. And after 3 years, I guess I will need a new phone. I keep changing phone back then before 2015 because I never thought of having expensive phone would help me saving a lot in the future. I don't even know what is the importance of RAM even the promoter did mention it. I know nothing at all. Alah membeli, menang memakai.  This thing teach me, it's okay to buy expensive thing as long as it worth the money. It's not everyday you buy a new phone. What the difference you buy RM 500 phone then you have to change it every 2 years than buy RM 2000 phone and only have to change about 4 to 5 years of usage. But to think again, technology develop so fast, new thing is invent everyday. We never can keep up with it. Again, what is the purpose of you buying and how you use the thing you have. Does it actually beneficial to you? *Baru la nak fikir. Then, I never prepare to change until it is broken. But I'm not even have a saving for it. Because I'm not prepare. At the end, the cycle continue. Guess I have to put an end to the cycle and start a new one. 

Akhir sekali, sekuat mana kita merancang kita takkan tahu perancangan Tuhan untuk kita. Apa yang menanti kita. Keputusan yang kita buat ketika dan saat memerlukan adakah benar atau salah. Adakah ianya memberi kesan pada kita. Apa kesannya pada kita untuk jangka masa panjang dan pendek. Ketika ini, aku tefikir dan terdetik. Back to basic. To believe and having faith everything happen for a reason. Ada sebab dan hikmahnya kenapa kita buat pilihan yang kita buat. Kenapa Tuhan takdirkan kita dengan sebuah telefon berharga RM 500 dan bukan berharga RM 5000. Setiapnya bersebab dan berhikmah. Bukan untuk telefon je, terguna pakai untuk semua perkara, termasuklah pekerjaan, pasangan atau sebagainya. Kerana semuanya berhikmah. Percayalah takde apa yang berlaku pada kita tanpa sebab. Perjalanan hidup ini terlalu indah untuk dirasai dan dilalui. Bukanlah hanya sekadar jalan lurus yang kosong dan mendatar.

...(I need a new phone so I have to save from now + pakai je apa yg ada and stop complaining or whining. If it's meant to be it will be. Be thankful with what you have and appreciate it.)


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