Accepting (Update on my Mental Health)

I am learning to accept things. I am taking my time to sort things out especially things that linger in my mind. There are so many things that make me wake up in the middle of the night and torture me. Also, the things that make me hard to sleep. I am trying to accept that there are things that we can't control. We just need to face it with courage. I cried so much lately. I burst out in front of people easily. I wanted to heal. I wanted to be happy. But I need time. To accept things, I have heard these 3 tips from someone who lost people that she loved dearly.

1. Sabar.
Whatever it is. Sabar. Indeed Sabr is beautiful. It is easier to said than done. Sabr is a very easy and simple word but very hard to do. To be patient with whatever comes. The good and the bad. The unexpected. To be sabar with whatever Allah SWT plans for you even it is not what you wanted.

2. Redha
Redha is accepting. This one is harder than sabar. Because you need to learn to accept things. To accept than it is not anyone to blame but to trust in God's plan. Have faith in Him. You to have to believe in something that you are unsure of. Whatever that the future holds for you. Kena positif dengan apa segala yang berlaku dan bersangka baik dengan Dia. Sabar kita menahan, redha kita kena menerima. Apapun yang datang. This one I am taking a lot of time accepting everything that currently happens in my life. I do whatever it takes. I stop talking to people. I focusing on myself. Things keeping me up at night but I need to sort things out to be better. Paling susah buat aku untuk menerima ialah bila setiap kali aku merancang, ada sesuatu yang tidak mengizinkannya terjadi seperti yang dirancang. Pahit tapi perlu ditelan kerna Tuhan pasti punya rencana  buat aku. Yakin.

3. Syukur
Bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada Tuhan. Acapkali kita syukur pada setiap perkara baik tapi kita selalu lupa bersyukur bila kita ditimpa musibah. Walaupun ujian dan musibah adakalanya rasa seperti hukuman namun harus juga kita  bersyukur kadang kita leka dengan duniawi. Tanpa kita sedar ujian kehilangan dan kesakitan mendekatkan kita pada Dia. Mengingatkan kita bahawa tiada satu pun yang ada pada kita adalah milik kita. Semua ini hanya pinjaman. Tetaplah sentiasa beryukur dengan segala nikmat dan ujian. Syukur kerana Tuhan masih memberi peluang dan peringatan. 

Honestly on this date, this morning I feel a lot better than before. A lot happier than yesterday. I wake up this morning even only after 4 hours sleep I feel a lot calmer. I feel like a whole lot of weight has been lifted up from me. I think high possibility because yesterday after a very long time I read surah Yassin and the dua. I do not know how but I  feel a lot better and lapang? I read al Insyirah repeatedly after I perform my prayer. I do not rush after dua. I sit and pray some more. His words really a work of magic in healing. I smile today. Alhamdulillah. 


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