Whoever said money can't solve your problems must not have enough money to solve 'em

I am thinking about this. If I don't have to buy cats supplies every month I might have 10 Converse. if I don't have to help my parents financially I might already get gelang emas or rantai emas by now. if I don't be a considerate girlfriend and ask my boyfriend to pay everything every time we go out I might be able to get the EDP I always wanted. If I don't do savings for the future I might have my own car by now. Also if I don't need to take care of my own toiletries, skincare, I might already change my phone every year to the latest model or if I don't have any financial commitment I might have my own home already? Does it sound overboard already? lol. maybe not a home maybe I might be able to go Umrah or go travel to the place I want.

I just want to emphasize that everyone has a different financial commitment. If you can't be more helpful be more understanding. I always trust that our rezeki comes from Him. If it never meant for you it will never be yours. I don't know what He keeps for me. Maybe something to help me with my afterlife. I have to talk to myself about being Ikhlas. I always being the worried daughter, sister, and girlfriend. I don't want to menyusahkan orang. While others get what their dream of already I have to be more patient and work harder. I already thinking about having a side income right now as my commitment grows.

I still wish I can do more. I still wish I have more to buy a car for my dad that has been sending and picking me up since I was in kindergarten up until now. I still want to buy my mom a gelang or rantai emas that she had to sell at the bank when we struggle financially when we were growing. I wish I can pay my sister and brother a school fee and buy them anything they want. As for myself, maybe if I have more I will go continue to take my master's degree or go to music class I always want to, go to the art class that I always want to go to. There's still a lot I want to do.

I don't know where my rezq but I know He is Al Razaq, Al Fattah, Al Ghani. If He wants to give he surely gives in a way you will never expect. He also the one who makes you enough. I pray at dhuha 'if my rezqi is still in the skies, please let it down and if it's still in the ground, please let it out. Please make it easier if it's hard if it is haram please make it halal and please make it nearer if it's still far away' I will put more effort and He surely gives. I have faith. But to think about rezqi not necessarily financially He has been giving me enough. Good health, good friends, a lot of blessings which I really thankful for. If not for that rezqi I will never get to support myself financially. Whatever it is. It from Him.


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Persediaan Ke Universiti (UKM, Kolej Keris Mas) Sesi 2015/2016

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