
Setiap yang hidup akan merasai mati. Belakangan ini terlalu banyak berita kematian yang mengejut. Mati itu pasti tidak bersyarat sakit atau tua. Sampai waktunya sesaat takkan lambat atau cepat. Ianya tak menunggu sesiapa. Death of people makes us reflect a lot especially the one we never expected. How short our life is. Yesterday we might be enjoying our life with our loved ones without knowing that tomorrow they not gonna be with us anymore. I give a lot of thought about this. Thinking about how you end in this temporary world? I always pray for khusnul hatimah but am I working towards it? What is the deed that can save me? Whenever we feel tired of this world and thinking of death might the end of all this. Hold back and think again. Have we done enough in this world? Death surely is not the end for the believers. Bila melihatkan kematian yang baik seharusnya menjadi pengarajaran buat kita. Adakah kita sudah cukup bersedia untuk menghadapi kematian yang datang pada bila-bila masa. Thinking about the one we gonna leave behind. I don't know.

Bayangkan bila kita cuba buka mata kita da tak merasa jasad kita. Hanya roh yang tinggal melihat jasad kaku. Waktu itu apa yang kita buat. Bila kita tidur dan kita sedar jasad da berpisah dengan roh. Apa agaknya rasa bila kita ditinggalkan seorang diri di dalam lubang kubur. Tiada apa yang tinggal cuma kita dihimpit tanah. Kemudian datang malaikat untuk bertanya soalan yang entah mampu atau tidak kita menjawabnya. Amankah kita di sana agaknya. Selamtkah kita. Siapakah peneman kita. Jika mahu Al-Quran menjadi teman kita sudahkah kita berteman dengan Al-Quran sepanjang hidup kita. Soalan-soalan ini sering menjadi tanda tanya kepada diri aku sendiri. 

I would like to leave this world given the people around me to remember only good things about me. I want to leave this world without regrets. I am sure we all gonna have regrets but at least not something that we can fix. Wondering if I am done enough or be good enough to people. Not knowing the fact we also might gonna lost the people we loved at any time. But this also a good thing to reminds us how we are not the ones who control our lives or people around us. We really don't have any clue about the future. Death is inevitable. Are we ready if it comes to us now?

Love the people around us. Always tell them we love them. Don't be mad for too long. Don't hold grudges. Forgive people. Forgive yourself. Always be kind. Always. Keep praying. Keep doing the goods. Always improve ourselves and try our best to do everything that pleases Him. Do something that can help us in our afterlife. Tinggalkan perkara kecil yang tidak penting dan berusahalah kepada perkara yang lebih besar serta memberi manfaat kepada kita. 


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