2017: February Challenge #19

Day 19 of February Challenge: Love Yourself

19 February 2017 Write down a positive memory from the past year that made you feel good.

Honestly, it wasn’t a good year for me. It was emotional and challenging. If I need to recall a positive memory that make me feel good, it must be the time I become Cikgu Ganti, sekejap je pun.  Almost a month or less. I’m just so lucky to have that chance. That good feeling bila sampai sekolah and student bagi salam “Assalamualaikum cikgu” you fee needed and respected. I always want to feel appreciated. Even I don’t get along much with the teachers but I have a really good time with the student. I received quite a few gifts when I said it was my last day there. Now, if I go to school they still remember me. Raya tahun lepas tak best. HAHA. Even my birthday. I just can recall a few good memories like Klebang, I hope I can have more positive and good memory this year!


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