Assalamualaikum peeps.
Sebenarnya memang dah lama dah niat nak update entri pasal Syukur, Nikmat ni semua .. tapi disebabkan idea belum ditakat tepu ... saya biarkan ianya berlalu hampir 4 hari .. Alhamdulillah , hari ni dah sampai takat tepu .. jadi tanpa menunggu lagi ..saya teruslah mula menaip ..
Dan sebelum tu saya nak share satu cerita yang saya baru je baca pagi tadi ... Mind to read? Ada pengajaran yang boleh kita ambil ..
Book tittle : A Son For A Queen . from A Daily in a Life series . Written by : Naima Gany Shaik Dawood .
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ..Bacalah dengan Nama Allah ...
Cerita ini tentang Permaisuri Zainab dan Raja Muzaffar yang tinggal di sebuah kerajaan yang bernama Al-Habshi. Mereka tidak mempunyai anak untuk mewarisi takhta mereka dan mereka semakin tua . Mereka merupakan pemerintah yang sangat baik dan disenangi rakyat . Rakyat turut berdukacita tentang keadaan mereka yang tidak mempunyai anak , ramai yang menawarkan anak mereka untuk dijadikan anak angkat tetapi Permaisuri Zainab tidak mahu mengambil anak angkat. Baginda mahu merasai mempunyai anak sendiri . Setiap malam Baginda menangis mengenangkan nasibnya . (diringkaskan dan ditranslate dalam bahasa Melayu ^_^)
Okay the rest is just part of the story .. Maybe I will write in another entry . But here the part which I like the most is the dialogue between The Creator and His angel .
"Sire,are You contemplating putting her out of her sorrow now?" said the Angel .
The Creator turned to Him and chuckled. "Good Angel, do you think I have been unkind to leave her childless and in so much sorrow for such a long time ?"
Angel shook his head qiuckly. "No, Sire. You are nothing but Merciful, Kind and Giving. I would not presume to question Your judgement in anything. I merely asked out of curiosity."
"Tell me your opinion, Good Angel," the Creator said. "Do you think she deserves such a precious gift ?"
Angel sputtered nervously . "Sire, forgive me. But who I am to-?"
"Yes, yes I know all that ," the Creator interrupted. "I merely asked your opinion ,Angel. Do not be afraid to answer. "
The Angel was silent as he thought of how to answer the Creator without incurring His wrath.
"Sire," Angel began as carefully and as respectfully as he could, "Queen Zainab has been nothing but the essence of goodness itself from the day she was born. She loves well and truly; and she is loved well and truly in return. She has not yet to transgress in any serious or unholy fashion. I feel that she has been dealt with an .." he paused and chose his words carefully,"an undeserved hand. Forgive me , Sire,"
He considered Angel's criticism. While He didn't agree with Angel's assesment , He did know that His favourite Angel had spoken his opinion courageously. What Angel didn't know was that the Creator had His own reasons for dealing Queen Zainab with the 'undeserved' hand, as Angel had put it.
It wasn't easy task dealing with the quirks and idiosyncrasies of the human race. Each human had his own characteristic and behavorioral pattern. And the Creator had to deal with each one individually and differently Man had never understood why He did what He did , and they never would. But then again the Creator hadn't created Man to either understand Him or His reasons.
"Sire, I hope I have not offended you" Angel said softly .
"You have not , Good Angel . I did, after all , ask for your opinion. Sometimes , Angel , I have to test Man to the end of his limit , so that I can find out what he's made of. Only when I'm sure he deserves My bounty , do I reward him handsomely." The Creator smiled.
Angel frowned . "But , Sire, sometimes You give Your bounty even without testing Man. Why is so that so?"
The Creator smiled again. "That , too, is a test, Good Angel."
"How so?" Angel asked curiosly.
"Well," the Creator explained , "when a man gets the bulk of My bounty without any conscious effort, he thinks it is his right as a human to receive such bounty ; and he does not think of Me or remember Me in his heart and mind. And I watch patiently to see what he does with all that I have given him .That is his test."
Angel nodded in understanding . "Like the man in Roman who won the lottery last week! He had not exactly been a model citizen throughout his life, and yet You were overly generous with him by letting him win so much money."
"Yes," the Creator agreed . "And you saw what he did with My gift?""He squandered it all on wine , women and gambling," Angel said with a sigh.
"Exactly!" the Creator said. "He treated it very carelessly and without thought of anone but himself. I threw him a whole 'bushel of apples', and he wasted without any hesitation. Do you think he will get anymore 'apples' from Me?"
"I don't think so ,Sire," Angel replied ,smiling.
The Creator nodded in agreement. "But this young lady," the Creator waved a majestic hand towards Queen Zainab. "She is different . So far she has proved her strength and goodness to Me by nurturing all My gifts and sharing them generously with as many people as she could find. And so far she has proved to Me beyond question that she is worthy of the one gift that she is yearning for."
"A child of her flesh," said Angel
"Yes. A child of her own flesh,"
"When will You give her this precious gift , Sire?"Angel asked further.
"All in good time , Angel," the Creator answered. "She has been patient all these years . Another nine months will not hurt her."
"Nine months?, Sire, is she already expecting?"
The Creator picked up some earth from the ground and said, "When I blow life into this handful earth, she will be."
"You will test her with this gift also, Sire?" Angel asked curiosly
"Perhaps, We shall see."
Queen Zainab had a dream that she will have a son. and a part of the dream Angel appeard and spoke to her.
"The Creator has granted your prayer , for He has found you deserving of His full bounty .You are now with the child - a boy child. Nurture him as carefully and as lovingly as you have nurtured all the Creator's gift thus far. Forsake not your son, and betray him not! Guide him with a gentle loving yet frm hand , and he will rise above all others in great triumph and achievement! This gift is given but once only! Treat it with disrespect and lack of care , and it will be taken away from you forever! So take heed!"
Saya tahu cerita ni sangat la panjang . Ada yang mungkin skip dari baca tapi kesimpulannya kat sini apa kena mengena dengan nikmat dan syukur?? Ada dua situasi nikmat kat sini .
Satu, ada setengah orang yang beriman , sentiasa mengingati Allah SWT tapi hidup dalam serba kekurangan . Dua , ada setengah orang tanpa usaha , tanpa doa Allah SWT bagi mereka nikmat . Situasi satu , Allah SWT mahu meguji kita sampai tahap batasan kita, kadang-kadang ianya perlu ingatlah 'Allah SWT takkan uji lebih dari kemampuan kita' ..dan sebenarnya Allah SWT nak beri kita pahala bersabar dan nak uji sejauh mana kita masih berpegang pada tali agamanya . 'Orang yang berputus asa dari rahmat Allah SWT hanyalah orang kafir" ...
Situasi kedua , Allah SWT beri nikmat tanpa ujian tapi tanpa kita sedar sebenarnya nikmat itulah ujian . Jika kita tak bersyukur dan menggunakan nikmat dengan cara dimurkai Allah SWT maka kita akan menjadi kufur nikmat . Rasanya Allah SWT nak bagi lagi tak ?? Mungkin yaa tapi kalau kita terus dengan sikap kealpaan , kelalaian dan kesombongan kita kita akan terus dibiar dalam kesesatan dengan nikmat yang kita rasa membahagiakan tetapi membinasakan . Sebelum kita mendapat nikmat kita berdoa dan meminta .... Jadi selepas mendapatkanya kita haruslah terus bersyukur ..Jangan sesekali melupakanNya .. Dia yang memberi nikmat . Dia Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihi .Dia yang berhak disembah . Tiada lain melainkan Dia Allah yang satu ! Sedarlah apa yang kita ada sekarang cuma pinjaman semata . Kalau kita cakap "Aku berhak dapat semua ni aku dah usaha ini aku punya" Kita salah sebenarnya apa yang kita ada Allah SWT yang punya kalau kita usaha macam mana pun , doa siang malam , kalau Allah SWT tak beri kita takkan ada apa-apa . Tetapi Allah SWT Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Adil kerana Dia Pencipta kita Pencipta seluruh alam .Allah Maha Mengetahui kita layak atau tidak . Kita tidak dicipta untuk mempersoalkan apa sebab Allah SWT buat begitu dan begini . Kita dicipta untuk mengabdikan diri padaNya . Bersyukur ! Yakinlah dengan apa saja yang diberiNya . Hargai . Sebab peluang mungkin datang hanya sekali .. Ingatlah Allah SWT Maha Melihat lagi Maha Mengetahui .
'Orang yang tidak bersyukur dengan nikmat yang sedikit takkan bersyukur dengan nikmat yang banyak'
2013 so far , I got almost everything that I held so long . Head to toe . From the thing I want the most untill the thing that I never expected I will got . That is the power of du'a and patient . And after all , semuanya datang dari ALLAH SWT . Segala puji hanya bagi Allah SWT . dan ujian nya ialah satu :saya bersyukur atau tidak . dua : Adakah saya menggunakan nikmat yang diberi ke jalan Allah SWT ? tiga: Apakah alasan lagi yang nak saya beri untuk tidak menggunakan nikmat ini sebaiknya???
Apakah saya mampu menjawab soalan ini jika dipersoalkan kelak ?? Insha Allah saya usaha yang terbaik.
Jadi dengan azam , Saya mahu membalas segala jasa Ibu dan Ayah . Saya mahu berbakti . Membuat mereka bangga . Tidak akan sesekali kecewakan mereka di dunia mahupun di akhirat. Ya Allah permudahkan dan perkenankanlah . Amin . IBU AYAH ! Mida akan buat yang TERBAIK untuk buat IBU AYAH BANGGA . Tersenyum dan menangis kegembiraan !!! Insha Allah .
Sebenarnya memang dah lama dah niat nak update entri pasal Syukur, Nikmat ni semua .. tapi disebabkan idea belum ditakat tepu ... saya biarkan ianya berlalu hampir 4 hari .. Alhamdulillah , hari ni dah sampai takat tepu .. jadi tanpa menunggu lagi ..saya teruslah mula menaip ..
Dan sebelum tu saya nak share satu cerita yang saya baru je baca pagi tadi ... Mind to read? Ada pengajaran yang boleh kita ambil ..
Book tittle : A Son For A Queen . from A Daily in a Life series . Written by : Naima Gany Shaik Dawood .
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ..Bacalah dengan Nama Allah ...
Cerita ini tentang Permaisuri Zainab dan Raja Muzaffar yang tinggal di sebuah kerajaan yang bernama Al-Habshi. Mereka tidak mempunyai anak untuk mewarisi takhta mereka dan mereka semakin tua . Mereka merupakan pemerintah yang sangat baik dan disenangi rakyat . Rakyat turut berdukacita tentang keadaan mereka yang tidak mempunyai anak , ramai yang menawarkan anak mereka untuk dijadikan anak angkat tetapi Permaisuri Zainab tidak mahu mengambil anak angkat. Baginda mahu merasai mempunyai anak sendiri . Setiap malam Baginda menangis mengenangkan nasibnya . (diringkaskan dan ditranslate dalam bahasa Melayu ^_^)
Okay the rest is just part of the story .. Maybe I will write in another entry . But here the part which I like the most is the dialogue between The Creator and His angel .
"Sire,are You contemplating putting her out of her sorrow now?" said the Angel .
The Creator turned to Him and chuckled. "Good Angel, do you think I have been unkind to leave her childless and in so much sorrow for such a long time ?"
Angel shook his head qiuckly. "No, Sire. You are nothing but Merciful, Kind and Giving. I would not presume to question Your judgement in anything. I merely asked out of curiosity."
"Tell me your opinion, Good Angel," the Creator said. "Do you think she deserves such a precious gift ?"
Angel sputtered nervously . "Sire, forgive me. But who I am to-?"
"Yes, yes I know all that ," the Creator interrupted. "I merely asked your opinion ,Angel. Do not be afraid to answer. "
The Angel was silent as he thought of how to answer the Creator without incurring His wrath.
"Sire," Angel began as carefully and as respectfully as he could, "Queen Zainab has been nothing but the essence of goodness itself from the day she was born. She loves well and truly; and she is loved well and truly in return. She has not yet to transgress in any serious or unholy fashion. I feel that she has been dealt with an .." he paused and chose his words carefully,"an undeserved hand. Forgive me , Sire,"
He considered Angel's criticism. While He didn't agree with Angel's assesment , He did know that His favourite Angel had spoken his opinion courageously. What Angel didn't know was that the Creator had His own reasons for dealing Queen Zainab with the 'undeserved' hand, as Angel had put it.
It wasn't easy task dealing with the quirks and idiosyncrasies of the human race. Each human had his own characteristic and behavorioral pattern. And the Creator had to deal with each one individually and differently Man had never understood why He did what He did , and they never would. But then again the Creator hadn't created Man to either understand Him or His reasons.
"Sire, I hope I have not offended you" Angel said softly .
"You have not , Good Angel . I did, after all , ask for your opinion. Sometimes , Angel , I have to test Man to the end of his limit , so that I can find out what he's made of. Only when I'm sure he deserves My bounty , do I reward him handsomely." The Creator smiled.
Angel frowned . "But , Sire, sometimes You give Your bounty even without testing Man. Why is so that so?"
The Creator smiled again. "That , too, is a test, Good Angel."
"How so?" Angel asked curiosly.
"Well," the Creator explained , "when a man gets the bulk of My bounty without any conscious effort, he thinks it is his right as a human to receive such bounty ; and he does not think of Me or remember Me in his heart and mind. And I watch patiently to see what he does with all that I have given him .That is his test."
Angel nodded in understanding . "Like the man in Roman who won the lottery last week! He had not exactly been a model citizen throughout his life, and yet You were overly generous with him by letting him win so much money."
"Yes," the Creator agreed . "And you saw what he did with My gift?""He squandered it all on wine , women and gambling," Angel said with a sigh.
"Exactly!" the Creator said. "He treated it very carelessly and without thought of anone but himself. I threw him a whole 'bushel of apples', and he wasted without any hesitation. Do you think he will get anymore 'apples' from Me?"
"I don't think so ,Sire," Angel replied ,smiling.
The Creator nodded in agreement. "But this young lady," the Creator waved a majestic hand towards Queen Zainab. "She is different . So far she has proved her strength and goodness to Me by nurturing all My gifts and sharing them generously with as many people as she could find. And so far she has proved to Me beyond question that she is worthy of the one gift that she is yearning for."
"A child of her flesh," said Angel
"Yes. A child of her own flesh,"
"When will You give her this precious gift , Sire?"Angel asked further.
"All in good time , Angel," the Creator answered. "She has been patient all these years . Another nine months will not hurt her."
"Nine months?, Sire, is she already expecting?"
The Creator picked up some earth from the ground and said, "When I blow life into this handful earth, she will be."
"You will test her with this gift also, Sire?" Angel asked curiosly
"Perhaps, We shall see."
Queen Zainab had a dream that she will have a son. and a part of the dream Angel appeard and spoke to her.
"The Creator has granted your prayer , for He has found you deserving of His full bounty .You are now with the child - a boy child. Nurture him as carefully and as lovingly as you have nurtured all the Creator's gift thus far. Forsake not your son, and betray him not! Guide him with a gentle loving yet frm hand , and he will rise above all others in great triumph and achievement! This gift is given but once only! Treat it with disrespect and lack of care , and it will be taken away from you forever! So take heed!"
Saya tahu cerita ni sangat la panjang . Ada yang mungkin skip dari baca tapi kesimpulannya kat sini apa kena mengena dengan nikmat dan syukur?? Ada dua situasi nikmat kat sini .
Satu, ada setengah orang yang beriman , sentiasa mengingati Allah SWT tapi hidup dalam serba kekurangan . Dua , ada setengah orang tanpa usaha , tanpa doa Allah SWT bagi mereka nikmat . Situasi satu , Allah SWT mahu meguji kita sampai tahap batasan kita, kadang-kadang ianya perlu ingatlah 'Allah SWT takkan uji lebih dari kemampuan kita' ..dan sebenarnya Allah SWT nak beri kita pahala bersabar dan nak uji sejauh mana kita masih berpegang pada tali agamanya . 'Orang yang berputus asa dari rahmat Allah SWT hanyalah orang kafir" ...
Situasi kedua , Allah SWT beri nikmat tanpa ujian tapi tanpa kita sedar sebenarnya nikmat itulah ujian . Jika kita tak bersyukur dan menggunakan nikmat dengan cara dimurkai Allah SWT maka kita akan menjadi kufur nikmat . Rasanya Allah SWT nak bagi lagi tak ?? Mungkin yaa tapi kalau kita terus dengan sikap kealpaan , kelalaian dan kesombongan kita kita akan terus dibiar dalam kesesatan dengan nikmat yang kita rasa membahagiakan tetapi membinasakan . Sebelum kita mendapat nikmat kita berdoa dan meminta .... Jadi selepas mendapatkanya kita haruslah terus bersyukur ..Jangan sesekali melupakanNya .. Dia yang memberi nikmat . Dia Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihi .Dia yang berhak disembah . Tiada lain melainkan Dia Allah yang satu ! Sedarlah apa yang kita ada sekarang cuma pinjaman semata . Kalau kita cakap "Aku berhak dapat semua ni aku dah usaha ini aku punya" Kita salah sebenarnya apa yang kita ada Allah SWT yang punya kalau kita usaha macam mana pun , doa siang malam , kalau Allah SWT tak beri kita takkan ada apa-apa . Tetapi Allah SWT Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Adil kerana Dia Pencipta kita Pencipta seluruh alam .Allah Maha Mengetahui kita layak atau tidak . Kita tidak dicipta untuk mempersoalkan apa sebab Allah SWT buat begitu dan begini . Kita dicipta untuk mengabdikan diri padaNya . Bersyukur ! Yakinlah dengan apa saja yang diberiNya . Hargai . Sebab peluang mungkin datang hanya sekali .. Ingatlah Allah SWT Maha Melihat lagi Maha Mengetahui .
'Orang yang tidak bersyukur dengan nikmat yang sedikit takkan bersyukur dengan nikmat yang banyak'
2013 so far , I got almost everything that I held so long . Head to toe . From the thing I want the most untill the thing that I never expected I will got . That is the power of du'a and patient . And after all , semuanya datang dari ALLAH SWT . Segala puji hanya bagi Allah SWT . dan ujian nya ialah satu :saya bersyukur atau tidak . dua : Adakah saya menggunakan nikmat yang diberi ke jalan Allah SWT ? tiga: Apakah alasan lagi yang nak saya beri untuk tidak menggunakan nikmat ini sebaiknya???
Apakah saya mampu menjawab soalan ini jika dipersoalkan kelak ?? Insha Allah saya usaha yang terbaik.
Jadi dengan azam , Saya mahu membalas segala jasa Ibu dan Ayah . Saya mahu berbakti . Membuat mereka bangga . Tidak akan sesekali kecewakan mereka di dunia mahupun di akhirat. Ya Allah permudahkan dan perkenankanlah . Amin . IBU AYAH ! Mida akan buat yang TERBAIK untuk buat IBU AYAH BANGGA . Tersenyum dan menangis kegembiraan !!! Insha Allah .
Surah ArRahman. Ayat 036.
Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu hendak dustakan?